
New Dust Removal Method of Vibrating Screen

New Dust Removal Method of Vibrating Screen

The majority of dust removal method in our country is bag filter technology. Its advantage is high working efficiency, but it has large investment. To solve this kind of problem, we have developed a new dust removal method of vibrating screen. It has advantages of high efficiency, lower investment cost, longer service life, etc. 


The new dust removal method includes two times dust extraction. First time to remove dust is that based the equipment on vibrating screen, then the collected dust will directly come within the vibrating screen. The secondary is to put the dust removal equipment beside the vibrating screen and remove dust separately. 

Primary dust removal: the supported type vibrating screen should be sealed, and layout one dust filter on the vibrating screen. Set efficient dust filter bag in the stream of dust filter to filter the dusted air, then dust will come within vibrating screen. 

Secondary dust removal: seal the supported type vibrating screen and primary dust connector, and open a hole on the sealer, then lead dust air spilled out from vibrating screen into secondary dust removal device by pipe. Set efficient dust filter bag in the stream of dust filter to filter the dusted air, then dust will be discharged separately.

